First, I watched the US/Ghana game at a downtown bar, only to leave summarily disappointed. It sucked. It sucked bad. The only thing worse than losing a soccer match, is losing a drawn out soccer match. The last 20 minutes was brutal. I think everyone knew the US didn't have a goal in them, but we had to stick around all the same, just to be sure. I marched right out the bar door as soon as the whistle sounded. I hate when my teams lose!
Then, after the game, I went to a beer festival, which was a great time. JB and I met some friends who were already there, and tried some good, and not so good beers - but beers all the same. The temperature was in the high 80s or low 90s, it was hot, and I would have chugged anything, beer or otherwise, so long as it was cold.
[Sidebar: Breweries serving stouts during summer beer festivals should consider for a moment how terrible that idea happens to be. I love stouts. I love artisanally-made stout beers. I appreciate the talent it takes to craft a really great stout. But, just as I won't be eating a hot plate of lasagna in the 90 degree summer sun, I will also not be keen on drinking your 10-14% alcohol stout with much pleasure while beads of sweat run off my forehead. Just, please, look at the calendar when making your decision as to what to bring to the beer festival. Please.]
After the beer festival, we all went to the local German restaurant, ordering huge beers and food. Admittedly, I could drink maybe a third of my beer. It was probably around 32oz, and I had no room left in my stomach for beer. I don't know about you, but my days of frat-styled beer drinking are long over. I had to pass on any more hefeweizen.
Once we got home, expecting to go out thereafter, we found that Barca, the Official Mascot of The Amateur Mixologist, required our, ahem, attention. The party most certainly stopped there.
That was my Saturday. Highs and lows. This week however, should be all highs, or so I hope. Why? Well, because of what we're drinking this week of course! We'll get to that in a minute, first:
Soundtrack of the Week: Beach House, "Teen Dream"
What We're Drinking This Week
Tuesday: Metropolitan - Brandy and sweet vermouth are the two key ingredients in this cocktail. It is similar to a Manhattan.
Thursday: Bella, Bella - Gin, Campari, limoncello, and orange liqueur...I expect this to be stellar.
I'm going to try and squeeze in another part in our continuing series on Scotch, perhaps on Friday. The Scotch series has proven popular, more popular than I would have expected, and I don't to disappoint its loyal audience.
I hope your Monday is fucking awesome. Yeah, that's right, I dropped an f-bomb, because I want your Monday to be that good.
See you tomorrow!
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